You are strong, if you search enhancement!
Talking about stress helps us to become the heroes of our lives.
By sharing your experiences of stress, you learn from others and can pick up valuable tips on how to cope. Coping with different stressful situations promotes individual learning and personal growth. On the platform, you will receive constructive support for your challenges from the community.
Stress management through anonymous exchange with experienced peers and experts.
Good reasons to share stress issues
- Benefit from the experiences of others
- Share relieves – you are not alone with your challenge.
- Strengthen your sense of achievement – everyone has already successfully mastered stressful situations.
Joining is worth it, we show you, with many highly efficient stress tips how to have less stress – despite a lot of work and/or high responsibility.
Your registration is a prerequisite for you to be completely anonymous on the platform. This is important to me: not even I know who you are.
Strengthening your stress resilience: Success starts in our heads
Overcome personal mental blocks and deliver a top performance with Better linked
You are fit, good at your job and want to maintain the quality of your work for a long time. Your expectations of yourself are high: you strive for perfection – implementing everything you set out to do to the best of your ability is your ultimate goal. You are also aware that the path to success requires a healthy stress resilience and a self-determined work-health balance as the basis for an optimal performance.
And yet, you still encounter seemingly insurmountable hurdles on the way reaching your goals in your everyday working life: Your schedule is packed, you are already working under time pressure and chasing after your goals. Unforeseen phone calls and e-mails with urgent requests interrupt your workflow – does all of this sound familiar? Maybe you sometimes have the feeling that there is a lack of clear communication with everyone involved in important projects or you miss the support you would need from your colleagues or the trust of your bosses? As a manager you invest a lot of time and commitment in motivating your employees and in their environment and you are always there for your team – but you would like to prioritize more stress-free times for yourself, to improve your own time management as a role model or to get more “me-time” for your own personal development? High demands and the permanent pressure to perform are a source of stress and mental blocks that prevent you from attaining your professional and private goals and cut you off from your positive work-health balance.
More informationDespite all of your efforts,
you don’t realize your full potential:
- Do you reach your (performance) limits frequently?
- Are you dissatisfied with your results and your work rate?
- Do you feel stressed quickly when you have to implement several projects at the same time with a tight schedule or when something does not work according to plan?
- Do you feel too driven by the demands of others?
- Are you struggling with your own performance expectations because you can’t fulfill them?
- Are your thoughts revolving around problems, for problems can’t find a solution?
- Are you challenged because you are frequently compensating for your co-workers?
- Is it impossible for you to meet high performance requirements without heading towards a burnout?
- Are you constantly asking yourself why you cannot cope with your stressful environment?
- Are unfamiliar challenges and unusual situations like a short term meeting change, a last minute presentation, an important difficult project trigger stress in you, where you rather would like to stay calm and confident?
- Are you having the impression that your self-doubts are holding you back and quashing your potential to achieve your goals?
- Do you withdraw and find fault with yourself when you have not done everything as perfectly as you had planned?
- Are you feeling helpless or afraid that you cannot live up to expectations and that everything is too much for you?
Better linked starts exactly here: With the Wingwave® Coaching method, the short-term coaching program for inner balance and performance confidence, you can strengthen your stress resilience and learn to effectively defuse your stress issues by yourself. As an active user of the platform, you will be able to build up your self-confidence, you will succeed in appearing authentic towards others, overcome your helplessness and fear and master the challenges in your everyday life productively and successfully.
Network for building sustainable stress resilience
Better linked removes stress from the taboo zone and, as a professional platform on stress issues and stress resilience, provides information on stress and stress management, directly applicable tips on topics such as performance expectations, performance demands, performance security and on how to achieve peak performance. In addition, it features many tips on stress management and resources, high-quality seminars and workshops as well as a community for anonymous networking around stress topics for your personal success.
With this wide range of offers, Better linked helps you meet the demands of your environment. The platform offers a variety of opportunities to strengthen your stress resilience and build up helpful resources.
A stress performance network with a low-threshold and completely anonymous access to the topic of stress management is at the heart of Better linked. The platform serves to share one’s own stress experiences with others, to obtain ideas and recommendations for your own personal stress management plan and to learn from the stress solutions experienced by others in difficult situations. In this way, we can increase our performance and cope positively and powerfully with daily demands without mental blocks.
Using the platform will provide you with valuable techniques:
- deal with your stress in a transparent, open and productive way
- quickly do yourself good in stressful situations at work
- maintain or quickly restore your balance
- gain greater strength yourself and for others through sustainable empowerment
- change to an active role following the training and grow personally
- counteract stress at an early stage and prevent health problems
- solve your stress issues efficiently with tools which act quickly
Better linked enables important communication to take place between people on stress-related topics and issues. In your stress stories you share your experiences. You search for and find stress solutions. Better linked supports you in your self-efficacy and resilience with high-quality self-coaching tips.
See moreBut it is not only here on betterlinked that we actively contribute to mental health and thus to maintaining our ability to act.
The visits by betterlinked founder Corinna Häsele to schools are also an important contribution. In this way, we show the generation of the future, our children and young people: Feelings are important, stress affects us all, you are not alone ❤️
Trustful framework for affected and interested people
As a user if you share your personal stress stories on Better linked, you offer other people with similar issues valuable support. By describing hurdles and successful solution strategies in an anonymous setting, users provide each other with helpful points to get started. The Better linked community actively contributes to strengthening the self-efficacy of as many people as possible so that they can solve their stress problems themselves.
Better linked offers a secure environment for its users:
Identifying stress factors in companies
With Better linked, you can specifically explore topics which stress your employees, which are often not directly identifiable in the company since stress is a taboo subject. Our offer for companies includes user packages for companies as well as general data. Using Better linked as a company or department enables increases in productivity as well as the implementation of measures adapted to the specific stress issues in your company. Because they are less stressed employees perform better, take fewer sick days and enjoy working on successful projects.
More information for companies
Scientifically researched
Better linked is scientifically researched and professionally designed according to your needs. The platform is based, among other things, on findings from a user survey and an expert survey. The user survey was conducted together with the Viennese University of Economics and Business (Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation).
What users say about the platform:
What experts say about the platform:
The platform Better linked is funded by the FFG-Impact Innovation (Austrian Research Promotion Agency).
Product testing (MVP) and prototype testing were carried out together with the Shift11 Innovation & Design Experience Agency.