Better linked enables a valuable exchange between people on stress-related topics and issues.
Share your stress stories and experiences and look for/find solutions. Better linked supports
your self-efficacy with high-quality self-coaching tips.
Better linked attaches great importance to trust, which is why only registered persons are allowed to access the communication area. We want you to be sure that you can talk to real people who have the same wishes and needs as you, namely to reduce stress or to share their own experiences with stress in an appreciative way.
To ensure anonymity on the platform, the registration process also serves to ensure complete anonymization of your person.
All personal data that you give us is stored on our own server in Germany.
By registering, your data is anonymized, leaving only your nickname, which nobody but you knows. This ensures that you can share your stress issues and experiences without any disadvantages!
The communication data is completely separated and cannot be linked to your personal data. Better linked does not share the communication data with anyone, your information is here in a “safe space”.
We need the following data in order to guarantee the quality of the postings. Many people in our community sometimes share very personal moments from their lives and we want to use this data to ensure that we treat each other with respect. Registration is free of charge!