Mental Health matters
  • caring culture
  • communication culture
  • feel good workplace
  • Mental health
  • Resilience
  • Stigmatization
  • stress prevention

Thinking ahead about mental health in the workplace: open the drawer – let people in or no more taboo

In today’s working world, many of us spend the majority of our day at work. The workplace is not only a place where we fulfill our professional duties, but also an important part of our lives. How we are received at work has a significant impact on our work performance and health.

De-stigmatizing mental health in the workplace is therefore crucial. This blog article looks at why de-stigmatization is so important, how anonymous sharing formats and testimonials can help to create a healthy and supportive work environment. A place where we love to work!

Why mental health is important in the workplace

Mental health affects our ability to work effectively, think creatively and deal with stress. Mental health leads to higher productivity, a better working environment and less absenteeism. Conversely, untreated mental health problems can lead to reduced performance, increased absenteeism and even long-term health problems.

Studies show that employees who feel healthy are more motivated and committed. It is therefore beneficial for both employees and the company if mental health is no longer taboo.

The stigmatization of mental health in the workplace

Unfortunately, mental health is still a taboo subject in many companies. Employees are often afraid to speak out about their problems for fear of being seen as weak or incapable. This stigmatization can lead to those affected not seeking help and exacerbating their problems. It is crucial that companies actively work to break down this stigma and promote a culture of understanding and support.

In this blog article, I will show you how it is possible to sustainably increase mental health in the workplace through the interaction of companies that create structures through the anonymous exchange formats, resilient scouts that you already have as top performers in the company and the low-threshold involvement of all employees.

Anonymous exchange formats as a solution

One effective method of combating the stigmatization of mental health in the workplace is anonymous sharing formats. These offer employees the opportunity to share their experiences and feelings anonymously without fear of negative consequences. Yes, emotions belong in the workplace too! Anonymous exchange platforms can exist in various forms, e.g. as online forums, anonymous platforms or regular anonymous feedback rounds.

How companies can promote the de-stigmatization of mental health in the workplace

From my extensive work in many companies, 3 approaches have proven to be particularly effective:

In the short term, you can focus on education and awareness-raising: Companies should offer regular mental health training and workshops. These can cover topics such as coping with stress, recognizing signs of mental overload and offering support services. Education helps to break down prejudices and promote understanding. Every employee should have their own toolkit and know what can help them quickly in challenging situations.

In the medium term, anonymous exchange formats offer support and form the basis for building trust: Anonymous forums, platforms and feedback rounds offer employees a safe place to share their experiences. These formats can strengthen the feeling of community and support and help employees to realize that they are not alone.

Sustainable, as they promote open communication through anonymous exchange formats: A culture of open communication, where employees are encouraged to talk about their problems without fear of negative consequences, is essential. Managers should act as role models and speak openly about stress and mental health themselves. 

Testimonials and a sense of community anchor mental health at work in everyday working life

Testimonials from colleagues who speak openly about their mental health challenges can also
go a long way towards de-stigmatization. These reports can be presented in the form of anonymous or open testimonials on internal communication platforms, in company newsletters or during employee events. When employees see that they are not alone and that others are overcoming similar challenges, this can strengthen the sense of community and encourage them to seek help.

The role of resilient employees

Resilient employees who have the ability to deal constructively with stress and setbacks are an important factor in destigmatizing mental health in the workplace. They can serve as role models and encourage others to talk openly about their mental health problems.

From my experience, 3 ways in which resilient employees can contribute to destigmatizing mental health in the workplace seem particularly beneficial:

Share experiences: Resilient employees can share their own stories and coping strategies in the anonymous or open formats. This shows others that it is possible to successfully deal with mental challenges.

Mentoring and support: Resilient employees can act as mentors and support colleagues who are struggling with stress or coping with the effects of stress. This creates a supportive working environment. I work a lot with care scouting or train-the-trainer formats.

Promoting a positive company culture: By actively promoting a culture of openness and support, resilient employees help to break down the stigma around mental health. They incorporate the topic into everyday working life as a matter of course.

What each individual can do

Even if employees are reluctant to talk openly about stress, there are steps they can take to protect their mental health in the workplace and help destigmatize it:

I often find with employees in particular that they really value sharing, especially when issues or problems have been simmering for a long time. They finally have a common plan or a structure in which their questions are in good hands and they can do something to support themselves without worrying about stigmatization.

Here are the 3 most important tips on how to strengthen your own mental health:

A toolkit to help your own self-care: look after your own mental health by taking regular breaks, getting enough sleep, eating healthily and exercising. Self-care is the first step to better mental health.

Use anonymous resources: Use anonymous exchange formats to talk openly about your challenges. These resources offer support without revealing your identity. You see, you are not alone with your problem. In these forums, you can practise talking about your stressors in small steps. Confidence builds slowly!

Use information and education formats: educate yourself about mental health issues and share your knowledge with colleagues. The more people know about the topic, the less it is stigmatized within the company. Sharing important resources and supportive tips in particular can further strengthen the culture of support within the company. You see, even if you are not doing so well yourself, you can offer help.


Destigmatizing mental health in the workplace is an ongoing process that requires commitment and active measures. Anonymous sharing formats and testimonials can be important tools to create a culture of openness and support. By prioritizing the mental health of their employees and fostering an environment where mental health in the workplace can be openly discussed, companies not only contribute to the satisfaction and health of their employees, but also to the long-term success of the company.

Destigmatizing mental health in the workplace is an important step towards a healthy and productive work environment. The interaction between companies, resilient employees and each individual can contribute to this by promoting education, using anonymous exchange formats and supporting a culture of open communication. By no longer treating mental health as a taboo subject, we create a working environment in which everyone receives the support they need to be successful and happy.

By implementing mental health in the workplace, organizations can ensure that their employees feel supported, can perform to their full potential and can work in an environment that promotes both their mental and physical health. In a world where we spend so much time at work, this is not only desirable but necessary.

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