Increase employee efficiency
and job satisfaction
Understanding what moves your employees
Your employees have a lot to say
It is stressful in any case, but whether you simply let the stress culture run its course or whether you work together to create a place where everyone enjoys working, based on your team’s experiences of stress, even when a high level of commitment and performance is required – this creates a unique corporate culture and ensures a sense of solidarity.
Stories are authentic and make challenges tangible.
Stories can help you to grow and learn – personally or as an organization, to develop further and to be “the place to be” internally or on the job market.
Better linked provides you with your own Company-“Safe -Space” where employees can anonymously discuss stress issues on an individual, cultural or structural level and are thus actively involved in shaping an appreciative corporate culture.
As a manager, you fulfill your social responsibility by using the ANONYM data evaluated in your Company”Safe -Space” to identify precisely where there is still room for improvement in your company, because you can only change what you measure. Put your employees in the spotlight and you will also gain a human element, meaning and purpose!
Individual company packages from Better linked
Making stress visible
Do you know which members of staff in your company suffer from stress without actually communicating this thereby involuntarily decreasing employee efficiency? In Austria, according to estimates by human resource experts interviewed within the framework of a qualitative survey by Better linked, around two thirds of employees (65%) do – because occupational stress is still a taboo subject.
Since it is often interpreted by those affected as a personal failure, negative stress is preferably swept under the carpet and simply ignored: Did you know that most employees worldwide would rather confide in a robot that they are stressed at work than in their boss? This was the conclusion of a global study conducted in 2020 (Workplace Intelligence, LLC), in which four-fifths (82%) of respondents said precisely that. The HR experts interviewed in Austria estimate that the share of these colleagues is half as high, i.e. around 40 percent of all employees.
There is no reliable data on the costs of stress-related absences from work in Austria due to the taboo surrounding work-related stress but from an economic point of view, the problem also affects society as a whole. German studies, such as the Stress Report or the DAK Health Report, assume an increase in stress thus indicating rising costs.
At company level, several studies now show highly significant, positive correlations between an empowering corporate culture and increased productivity, with burnout rates falling significantly.
Companies that pay attention to the well-being of their employees are three times more successful.

Make stress issues transparent – transparency makes them workable
Create a trusting environment and provide your team with their own company “safe space”. Through individual registration, we ensure that all employees operate on the ANONYM communication platform. This trusting framework enables all employees to have a constructive exchange on current challenges and stresses, namely
- individual stress issues, because everyone has already successfully solved stress problems
- stressors from the company structure and organization that may be blocking workflows or slowing down processes,
- but also the culture that is practiced in your company on a daily basis.
Transformation and permanent change ensure that there is plenty of content that requires intensive discussion at all levels.
By involving your employees, you enable them to
- share knowledge,
- active participation and
- constructive involvement in the daily improvement of their working environment.
Knowing the stressors in your company down to the last detail gives you a decisive competitive advantage. Your company’s communication data provides you with a transparent analysis of the often hidden factors and strongest drivers,
- that keep the stress level in your company high or
- block or prevent change and transformation.
Fact-based findings, based exclusively on anonymized correlations of stress issues, and making it possible to differentiate between the causes and effects of stress will help you to make successful decisions and bring more calm to your company.
Many stress issues are avoidable – invest in prevention
Individual empowerment of your employees is very important to us. By actively participating in the processing of internal stressors, your employees experience appreciation, their work is seen and their opinions are heard.
This also encourages your employees to seek support at an early stage when it comes to individual stress issues. Recognizing cultural and structural stressors in good time ensures that the stress level in the company does not rise unnoticed and that stress phases are cushioned and managed preventively.
Companies and managers are enabled to preventively ensure less stress despite high workloads and increase the resilience of their employees. Productivity and performance succeed with a healthy work-health balance.
You act instead of chasing stress!
With the first (German-language) platform that deals with the topic of stress, we strengthen the self-efficacy and resilience of your company and your employees.
- Resilient employees and managers are productive and make beneficial decisions.
- Resilient companies are able to meet future challenges with a high competitive advantage.
The Better linked platform is funded by FFG-Impact Innovation (Austrian Research Promotion Agency).
Data-based change measurement in your Company-“Safe-Space”
ANONYMOUS, CLOSED communication within the company: Only what I can measure changes – efficiently, sustainably, accurately
Peak Performance Package – Safety
Time and again, valuable employees are absent due to illness, because one performance peak follows the next and the phases of normal work activity become shorter and shorter.
- More peace of mind in your company!
- Anonymous access to the platform for all employees
- Strengthen psychological safety
- Significant stress reduction, and thus increased employee efficiency, even in peak phases
- High willingness of your team to continue to deliver top performance
Change + Transformation Package – Self-awareness
You regularly lose good employees because they are no longer up to the “change” or “transformation” process
- More ease and joy in challenging everyday life
- Anonymous access to the platform for all employees
- Significant stress reduction in change/transformation phases, and thus increased employee efficiency
- High readiness of your team to support change and transformation processes
Basic Package – Self-efficacy
There is never really time for breaks, even though two thirds of your managers are exhausted!
- Open platform use with access to the community for everyone!
- 90 minute WIRKshops
- Managers improve their skills in dealing with stress
- Leadership with more ease and appreciation
We define a company “safe space” as a separate, locked digital room to which only employees of your company have access. To gain access, employees need authorization derived from their email address or a token. This ensures that only your employees (via company email or token) can access this room (your company “safe space”).
However, registration ensures absolute anonymization. Your employees can only access the company safe space using the nickname they chose during registration.
The company “safe space” is not visible to the outside world, only the employees of your company can see this space.
Your added value: you have exclusive access to topics that would otherwise not be discussed openly.
Transparency helps to identify stressors and thus make them manageable.
The platform is intended to run for at least one year. For the purely topic-based evaluations, we need sufficient data, which should also include different framework conditions and points in time. A sentiment barometer only makes sense if a longer observation period can be covered. In this way, different peak phases in the company can be taken into account.
The communication generates internal company data that can be analyzed using natural language processing. In the corporate “safe space”, we only analyze CONTENT, such as the correlations between stress topics, causes and effects, clustering of topics and a sentiment analysis. The individual topics can be analyzed in terms of changes over time and also in peak phases. No personal reference is made, as we do not process any personal data on the communication platform!
There is no personal data on the platform. Individual registration ensures that all users are only active on the platform with their individual nickname. There is no reference to departments, job titles or hierarchy. Anonymization also means that users receive a FAKE e-mail address.
Personal data is stored on a completely separate server in Germany.
Better linked has its own data protection officer.
No cookies at all! This is the space for communication without data octopuses, data tracking, data exchange, or pots!
Each user registers to use the platform themselves. In this registration process, he/she assigns his/her own individual nickname and password.
During registration, the data is completely anonymized. This ensures that each user only uses their own chosen nickname on the communication platform.
The link between the personal data and the anonymized profiles on the communication platform is established via a unique ID for each user.
These key figures are generated incrementally and do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about personal data or the user. The reference as information is stored in the customer management module as a 1:1 mapping.
Trust is particularly important when dealing with such a highly sensitive topic. We therefore have our own communication rules to ensure that the exchange between users is respectful.
The platform is moderated and curated. Experts are available to answer users’ questions based on their expertise. We provide regular support with short workshops.
Your company does not need its own support person, but we would of course be delighted if you provide internal support. You can act as a role model within the company if you set a good example and credibly represent the fact that a good work-health balance is important to you.
Short kick-off meetings are usually helpful at the start of a project. We also support your colleagues during the project with written materials that you can use as a reminder anchor for your internal communication.
We also regularly hold short workshops and Q&As on relevant topics on the platform.
Experience shows that your employees spend a maximum of 30 minutes per week on the communication platform.