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Stress prevention in the workplace: Why do we need a platform for preventive stress management?

I am convinced that keeping your employees happy makes your company more profitable and innovative!

In this blog article, I will show you why it is important to invest in stress prevention in the workplace. Your managers in particular need a new skillset in times of the digital age and the resulting changes in leadership requirements.

With 3 simple questions you can explore how to recognize that you should make your company stress fit.

Timely stress prevention in the workplace

Investing in stress prevention in the workplace in good time is not a charitable act, but a strategic investment in the performance and long-term success of your company. A healthy performance culture is the driver for positive company development and sustainable growth. By proactively investing in the health and well-being of your workforce, you not only create a better working environment, but also increase your company’s productivity and innovative strength.

Empowerment plays a key role here:

In many companies, I see empowerment as an essential part of working together. In detail, however, work processes and measures are formulated in such a way that there is little scope for personal responsibility. These framework conditions mean that even in areas that are not clearly defined, such as pension provision, employees are waiting to be given a precise framework for their own activities, otherwise the topic is not even in focus.

Instead of taking complete responsibility for stress management, encourage your employees to deal with stress in a self-determined way. Give them access to resource-oriented offers and tools that strengthen their personal responsibility and self-efficacy. If employees can develop and apply their own stress management strategies, they are better equipped to deal with the demands of everyday working life. This not only promotes individual resilience, but also a healthy and productive working environment and also contributes to strengthening stress prevention in the workplace.

New challenges are changing the job market

The current challenges, in particular the rapidly advancing development of AI, will significantly change our working lives. The increasing complexity and acceleration of the world of work require employees and managers in particular to develop new soft skills and focus more on their own work balance. Managers must learn to manage complex challenges and at the same time master work intensification in order to lead their teams effectively.

Employee motivation through preventative measures

Preventive offers in stress prevention at the workplace also motivate employees to take on mutual responsibility. Solidarity and support within the team are crucial, especially for employees who are less able to cope with stress. Joint goal achievement and mutual support not only promote personal development, but also the innovative strength of the entire company. When employees see that their efforts are recognized and supported, they are more motivated to continue along the same path and develop new ideas.

Invest in promoting employee engagement:

Employees who feel seen and heard are more motivated and engage outside of their comfort zone. An environment that values the opinions and ideas of the workforce fosters a strong sense of belonging and engagement. This not only leads to greater job satisfaction, but also to a higher rate of innovation and productivity.

Stress prevention in the workplace: what does this mean for your company?

That you ask critical questions:

Look at your absenteeism statistics, what do you read from the absenteeism in your company? You take the absences for granted, your employees are always absent. You have never questioned the causes, but you should, because high absenteeism means extra work for the remaining team. Having a permanently higher workload leads to dissatisfaction and more sick leave in the company. There is another way, with more workload balance.

Question your KPIs. Do your management style and the measured KPIs still match the current challenges? Or are you losing valuable employees due to the law & order management style, which is characterized by control and KPI processing, because your competitors can better manage the balance between employee expectations and market requirements. Who leaves are your top performers, the employees who are happy to perform.

You already have a health provider, you already have a health day, some fruit and fitness, isn’t that enough to prevent stress? The competition for a high-performing team and a healthy performance culture has already begun, employees are also choosing their workplace based on well-being criteria. What if you turn the question around, why doesn’t my healthcare provider yet have a platform for preventive stress management?

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You are right, your company’s purpose is not to prevent stress in the workplace. However, if you offer your employees a working environment in which performance and well-being go hand in hand, you will achieve a more productive working atmosphere by strengthening stress prevention.

Empowered employees feel a greater sense of belonging to your company and make a greater contribution. Solidarity in practice increases job satisfaction.

All in all, a platform for preventive stress management is an essential investment in the future viability of your company. By promoting a healthy and motivated workforce, you not only ensure the current success of your company, but also its long-term success.