Efficient tips to cope with stress
Self-efficacy in stress: Stress affects us all, but how we deal with it makes a crucial difference.
Release personal blockages and achieve peak performance with Better linked
We are not simply at the mercy of stress. We can all do something about it!
The first step is the most difficult, it has to do with self-awareness,
admitting our own limitations and willingness to change.
Yet our brain loves routines, autopilot, saving energy and simply carrying on as before…
For everyone who has read this far, this may not be an option. You want your self-efficacy back, you want to control your own life and actively decide at what stress level you are no longer sufficiently efficient or just exhausted. Get your ability to act back!
As a psychologist, I work with methods that allow you to significantly reduce your stress in 30 seconds.
Research the stress tips for yourself. I work with stress tips from neurobiology and brain research, because only those who understand how stress arises and what triggers it can take efficient and effective countermeasures.
Learn more: use our articles or our stresstips
Why is there a communication platform?
You have a lot to tell – stories are authentic and make challenges tangible.
First things first, writing things down helps. You structure your thoughts and ensure clarity. Storytelling and writing things down takes the pressure off. A few words are enough. If you write down your situation or your emotions in a few words, it becomes clear “what is actually stressing me out right now”.
If you add a number between 0 and 10 to your stress situation, you are also documenting your current stress level.
Writing down your stressor takes you away from a vague idea or the unspecific feeling of being stressed and towards more clarity. You can think about options for action. In concrete terms.
If you improve your skills by writing down your stress situation, you will have a documented basis from which to start dealing with stress more effectively.
- Your awareness of recognizing stress and countering your stressors at an early stage will change.
- Your ability to deal with stress will lead to a much more balanced life with an improved work-health balance.
- Your actions will change because you will have a different view of your stressors.
If you share your stress issues anonymously on the platform, you will also see that you are not alone with your problem. You can be confident that many other people have the same or similar challenges. You have listeners and supporters who not only share questions, but also their own solutions. This creates a high level of trust and security; the solutions have already worked well. They engage in the tried and tested method of changing perspectives.
Registration is necessary to ensure trust and security. We pay particular attention to the communication culture. The platform is moderated and experts from a wide range of specialist areas provide support in finding solutions.
Empowerment and self-efficacy are particularly important to me, after all, this is about you and when you are under stress, you are particularly vulnerable.

Systemic view of stressors
Our lives are not only burdened by individual stress.
My view of challenges and stress – especially in the work environment – is always systemic. Cultural and organizational stressors usually play a role in stressors in the professional environment, which are not visible or connected at first glance.
The USP of the betterlinked.eu platform is to make blind spots at the structural and cultural level visible, in addition to providing comprehensive individual support for stress issues.
At the structural level, we talk about stressors that are predefined by work organization, procedures and processes. This is where we often automatically start with instrumental stress management. We are all familiar with time management tools and training courses on organizing work and fine-tuning processes. My many years of international experience as a manager in various positions up to senior management level, combined with the latest psychological research, show that we can also find other approaches here and that the “one-fits-it-all” solutions applied so far do not lead to the goal. An increasingly fast-paced, digital and flexible working world presents us with new challenges to which we cannot respond with familiar, simple solutions.
I advise international companies and managers on these issues and pass on my knowledge in WIRKshops and talks. To clarify your individual stressors that stem from organizational problems, such as increasing speed due to digitalization, bureaucratization or the daily flood of e-mails, coupled with any number of other information and communication channels that we have to keep an eye on every day, are frequently discussed problems. Initial pilot projects using the anonymous communication platform show that if you reduce the internal flood of e-mails by a third, the stress level in the company drops significantly.
You will find many like-minded people with these problems on the platform. Managers in particular, who play an important role in this area in order to make work meaningful, have common challenges.
The anonymity of your postings makes it possible to openly share your story about pain points without fearing any disadvantages. We take care of your psychological safety. Through communication, you can identify the exact problem and many other users are grateful when they see that over-optimization or the creeping in of routines “because we’ve always done it this way” have every reason to be questioned today and redesigned with creative approaches. You are an important source of ideas and new processes ultimately make your everyday life easier.
Successfully navigating stress
Coping strategies for social stress
The cultural level concerns all stressors that fall into the interpersonal sphere, such as the corporate culture, the way people interact with each other in the company, or the communication and meeting culture. Here too, individual approaches, such as changing individual attitudes and beliefs, will only get you so far.
Many conflicts originate at the cultural level of cooperation. Supervisors, teams or team colleagues can only be chosen to a limited extent, values and attitudes clash, yet cooperation must function ideally if you want to have fun at work.
This is where I particularly contribute my international experience in lateral leadership. International teams are always heterogeneous, and it has always been particularly important to me to put what unites us before what divides us. Leading international projects to success is only possible if the motivation in the team is high and everyone sees the purpose of their task as a contribution to the big picture.
In initial pilot projects, the current meeting culture was significantly improved because the anonymous postings suddenly made it transparent and clear that the communication style in meetings was perceived more as issuing orders and only the ideas of a few people were appreciated. A few changes towards an appreciative meeting culture are now driving the innovative strength of the entire company.

I combine education and technology – EDUTEC
Corporate “safe space”: only what can be measured changes. As a manager, you benefit from my strong data background.
The communication data generated in the company’s internal “safe spaces” is analyzed exclusively on a topic-related basis and only evaluated and communicated within the company. NO PERSONAL REFERENCE is established, as we have no personal data on your company’s communication platform!
We anonymously analyze ONLY CONTENT such as the internal company correlations, causes and effects of stressors and thus offer concrete options for action. You gain transparency into previously intangible challenges.
Understanding Stress
I like to use the wingwave® method for resources. It offers many highly efficient tips from psychology based on natural brain processes such as information processing or natural stress processing mechanisms. This method, which has been adapted for coaching, has its origins in the psychology of crisis and conflict situations in particular, where quick and efficient results are important.
In-depth information on the method and the stress coaching tips:
- Bauer Joachim, 2002, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers, Eichhorn, Frankfurt
- Besser-Siegmund Cora, Siegmund Harry, 2015, wingwave Coaching Wie der Flügelschlag eines
Schmetterlings, Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn - Besser-Siegmund Cora, Siegmund Lola A., Siegmund Harry, 2018, Systemisches Coaching mit der
wingwave Methode, Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn - Besser-Siegmund Cora, Siegmund Lola A., Siegmund Harry, Landgraf Mario, 2021, Praxisbuch Online
Coaching, Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn - Besser-Siegmund Cora, Siegmund Lola A., 2016, Work Health Balance, Humboldt, Hannover
- Hüther Gerald, 2005, Wie aus Stress Gefühle werden, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen
- Hüther Gerald, 2018, Biologie der Angst, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen
- Roth Gerhard, Ryba Alica, 2019, Coaching, Beratung und Gehirn, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart